Evangelist Itu Maboye

Evangelist Itu Maboye

Welcome to blessedness!

Your life will never be the same again!

"Arise, shine; For your light has come!
And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you." Isaiah 60:1

Friday, October 1, 2010

Find Your Place

There's a place for each of us somewhere in this world. Only when we have found that place does life begin to make sense. You never find joy and peace of mind until you have found your special place in this life. You never make much impact in the lives of others until you have found that place. You never realize your maximum potential until you have found your place in life.

We are more effective doing what we do everyday when we operate from our discovered place. The enemy finds pleasure to see us confused and misplaced because he is fully aware of how much influence we can have to our environment if we found place God predestined us to occupy.

It is only until we have found that place that we can be certain of our destiny in the land that our Heavenly Father has placed us. It is only until we have found our place that our existence can be felt.
It is only until we have found our place that we begin to threaten the kingdom of darkness.
It is only until we have found our place that the world begin to notice you.

Discover your God-crafted place and joyfully occupy it. I have discovered mine and I'm walking towards my destiny.

Father in Heaven, thank you for the place you have prepared for me in this life. Forgive me for my doubtfulness in occupying this place. Right now in Jesus' Name, I want to take a stand and joyfully occupy my place. Amen!

"And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come." Luke 19:13

ITU Maboye

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