Evangelist Itu Maboye

Evangelist Itu Maboye

Welcome to blessedness!

Your life will never be the same again!

"Arise, shine; For your light has come!
And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you." Isaiah 60:1

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It All Begins In The Closet!

“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” Mark 1:35, NKJV

It all begins in the closet! Your ability to stand for God in the closet determines your stability with Him in the open. It all begins in the closet! A man who cannot stand up before God in the private cannot stand up for Him in the public. It all begins in the closet!

Most people love the open where they can be seen by people yet they hate the closet where they can be seen by God. It all begins in the closet! They love the public where they can show-off what they have yet they hate the private where they can be showered with blessings before they appear in the public. It all begins in the closet!

We all need the closet. We all need the private. As a matter of fact we need to spend more time in the closet and less time in the open. More time in the private and less time in the public. There's a natural human element of always wanting to be seen. Preachers and evangelists want to be seen. Teachers and pastors want to be seen. Singers and worshipers want to be seen. Leaders and members want to be seen.

Nevertheless, I have to admit that it is not a bad idea to want to be seen. After all, who doesn't want to be seen? However, walk with me as I take you to another level of this message. You can be seen but never be seen in the public before you are seen by the Saviour.

Three (5) points of observation:
1. Christianity requires sincerity of life otherwise it becomes another religious practice
2. Quality time with Jesus in the closet produces quality blessings in the open
3. Desire to be seen by others can lead to self-glorification, which is self-destructive
4. It is in the solitary place with the Father where we are equipped for day-to-day challenges in the public
5. The secret of success in the public is informed by the time we spent with Father in the secret places

Never begin your day without the “solitary place experience”. Begin each day with the Saviour. Christ could not begin His day unless He had spent some quite time with His Father. If divinity could not make it without prayer, how much more with feeble beings such us? It all begins in the closet!

Father in the Name of Jesus! Thank you for the message, so appropriate and timeous. Let me learn to spend quality time with you in the solitary place. I thank you again, in the Jesus’ Name. Amen!

ITU Maboye

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