Evangelist Itu Maboye

Evangelist Itu Maboye

Welcome to blessedness!

Your life will never be the same again!

"Arise, shine; For your light has come!
And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you." Isaiah 60:1

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Turning Ideas Into Reality!

Throughout the process of life, from one time to the other, everybody gets to be inspired with new ideas which sound great and elevating. Such ideas include the following, starting a new business venture; changing your career or getting your PhD; improving your grades at school; reducing your debts until you are debt-free; investing with Stock Exchange; buying a new home or furniture; better ways of reporting at work; acquiring a new life skill, writing a book etc.

It is good to have great ideas impressed upon our minds but it is much better to have those ideas implemented. Anyone can have ideas but not everybody comes to see their ideas to fruition all the time. Perhaps you wonder why. I wish to invite you this whole week to pay a visit each day on this site as I will be sharing some of the obstacles that hinder us from turning our ideas into reality as well as how we can overcome each one of them. In this series you will also learn that God's ideas always end up in execution. Among others, I will cover the following obstacles:

1) Fear 
2) Sense of comfort 
3) Lack of self-confidence
4) Past failures

Commit yourself to turning your ideas into reality.

Stay blessed!

ITU Maboye

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